Narendra Modi

The Rise of the Yogi: the Mask is Off

The first time I met Yogi Adityanath was in his bastion of Gorakhpur ahead of…

Can opposition take on Modi in 2019?

In the aftermath of the 2014 general election debacle, I asked a senior Congressman how…

Modi 24 X 7, 365 days

In the final leg of the 2014 general elections, Narendra Modi dramatically announced in a…

Today Narendra, tomorrow Devendra?

One of the first press conferences I covered as a rookie reporter was of Bal…

Elections On My Plate | Exclusive Report From Lucknow

To understand vox populi on the Uttar Pradesh assembly election, India Today’s Rajdeep Sardesai takes…

The UP Muslim ‘vote bank’ predicament

The complicated and controversial notion of a Muslim vote bank stretches back to the first…

It’s now ‘Modi vs All’

The BJP and the Shiv Sena were once seen as ‘natural allies’ but life for…

Will politics shrink in 2017?

We live, to put it mildly, in “interesting times”. This is an age where TV…

Has Modi done an Indira?

Last month in an interview I asked Congress president Sonia Gandhi if she would concede…

Demonetisation: Modi risks winning battle, losing war

For those still surprised by prime minister Narendra Modi’s audacious demonetisation gamble, the past maybe…