Narendra Modi

Did the media create the NaMo wave? Discussion
Modi’s fine words must be followed by firm action

We live in an age where a Hindi film is declared a hit if it has a strong opening on its first weekend: The era of the silver jubilee is well and truly behind us.Politics too, is experiencing a similar compression in time. So, Narendra Modi’s first 100 days are already being seen as a verdict on his government. A 100 days is just over 14 weeks.

Rahul to Akhilesh, Ajit Pawar to media: Modi needs to thank them

Barring a miracle, at some stage on Friday, Narendra Modi will be poised to fulfil his long-cherished ambition of being the next prime minister. Yes, exit polls have a spotty record in the country, but unless we have all got it horribly wrong, there is no reason to believe that there isn’t a Modi ‘wave’ in large parts of the country, if not a tsunami. When Modi writes his blog and thanks the Indian voter, here are a few more thank you cards he should send out.

Modi needs to look beyond high-profile individuals

He  is an expert in turning a lie into the truth. It is the BJP’s…

In Indira’s image: How Narendra Modi is similar to a Gandhi

Narendra Modi today claims to derive inspiration from Sardar Patel and Swami Vivekananda even if…

Advantage Modi

Predicting elections can be injurious to the health of journalists and pollsters, more so when…

Face the nation

On the face of it, a Narendra Modi’s politics is as different from Mayawati’s as…

The new Advani?

In this age of instant punditry, it’s often easier to arrive at conclusions without even…

All hail the party-pooper

Dev Kant Barooah’s singular contribution to Indian democracy was his coronation of Indira Gandhi as…